Here is a quote from the ESPN article about the details of the
"According to the NFL Network, if Favre takes 50 percent of total snaps with the Jets in 2008, the fourth-rounder becomes a third-round pick. If he gets 70 percent of the snaps and the Jets make the playoffs, it becomes a second-round pick; and if he gets 80 percent of snaps and the Jets make the Super Bowl, it becomes a first-round pick."
JOKE! This is by far the most optimistic I've ever been going into a season. BY FAR. Yes Favre is old but we're giving up practically nothing and he fits like a little blue plastic asterisk type thing into a box with a hole specifically cut for that exact shape...
I feel as though the Jets are still underrated. Our receiving corps is very good. Laveranues Coles, except for injury, has been one of the most overlooked and consistent WRs in the NFL. Don't you, naive reader (just kidding), realize who has been throwing him the ball????
2001- 38 year old horrible Vinny Testaverde- 59 catches, 868 yards
2002- 12 starts of pre-surgery Chad Pennington- 89 catches, 1264 yards
2003- 11 starts of PATRICK RAMSEY (all you needa know)- 82 catches, 1204 yards
2004- half Ramsey, half horrible version of Mark Brunell- 90 catches, 950 yards
2005- 9 starts BROOKS BOLLINGER (4 Vinny and 3 Chad)- 73 catches, 845 yards
2006- 16 (!) starts of post-double surgery (he's not tough?) Chad- 91 catches, 1098 yards
2007- half Chad half bad rookie year from K. Clemens- (12 games) 55 catches 646 yards
That is insane. I mean. What? Those numbers with those QBs? Not to mention all of those years he was covered by the #1 corner of each team and often times with safety help as well. 31 is not too old and add in Favre's amazingness, woah, what is Laveranues' ceiling this year people? Not to mention Cotchery, D. Keller, Stuckey, Leon... Let's keep it coming.

I've been going insane for approximately the last six hours (looks like I'm going to be very, very late to work tomorrow). The QB position is like no other position in any other sports. It is like imagining that the MLB will have a 16 game season next year spread out over 16 weeks. How valuable is getting Johan Santana now? Well in 23 starts this season he has a 2.86 ERA so that is how valuable he would be. Do you understand? That means the bulk of your season's innings is at a 2.86 ERA because he would obviously start every game... Well that is how valuable the starting QB position is.
Jerricho Cotchery has had two full seasons starting for us (and you know who was playing QB) and in both he had 82 catches. 2006- 961 yards and 2007- 1130 yards. He's bad. No! Actually he's f****** sick.
Donald Lee finished last season with 48 catches and 575 yards. Donald Lee. Sure Dustin Keller is a rookie and unproven and all that bull**** but he has been making unbelievable plays all training camp, catching absolutely everything in sight and showing off his athleticism. According to well, everyone that has seen him (from Laveranues to Mangenius to Bubba Franks to Peter King) he has no ceiling what-so-ever and will undoubtedly be an elite pass catching TE in this wonderful league.
Man. If you can't tell I'm out of my mind excited, still.
Favre also will just help in more general statistics such as time of possession which will help our defense a lot b/c we had no T.O.P. last season.
Yes Favre. Jets own. Jets are amazing. Yes. My time, our time, has come...
Here is a little link of an mp3 file that you may enjoy. It is first Tony Paige (from WFAN, NY sports radio) listing off the Jets' 2008 schedule (which is a joke, we should be the underdogs in three total games: NE, @SD and @NE again) and then it is ME, yes me, calling into the show and having a short chat with Tony. Enjoy. Go Jets.
"Yes Favre is old but we're giving up practically nothing and he fits like a little blue plastic asterisk type thing into a box with a hole specifically cut for that exact shape..."
Genius Alon.
i love when you call into the fan. shoulda repped berkeley though, faulk westchester :( eoheoh
I am very excited about this. Now we have a real veteran QB, the Chad/Kellen question is moot with Chad prob being traded fairly soon
(From ESPN: The arrival of Favre signals the end of Chad Pennington's career with the Jets. Tannenbaum said there would be another transaction regarding Pennington, who spent his first eight seasons with the Jets.
"It's a bittersweet moment for us," Tannenbaum said. "I have all the respect in the world for Chad as a person, as a player. We've accomplished a lot of good things with Chad. & He gave his heart and soul to this organization for a long, long time. I really appreciate everything he's done.")
Nice appearance on the fan! We gave up nothing for the super bowl!
6 p.m. tonight before the Cleveland game, the official announcement by Tannenbaum.
lets not forget that we have eric ainge (spelling?) and kellen clemens who both have big arms to learn under favre - if we only get 1 year out of him, what our young qbs will get from being understudies to the original gun slinger! chad, much respect, but hes got a sub par arm and cant teach finesse to someone whos game is power... favre can!
alon, I love your sound bite! HELL YES!!! the jets are on the map!!
Can we possibly get Barry Sanders in this way?
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